Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can anyone keep a secret these days... geez!

Work Story # 3
We were having a very expensive motivational speaker come to speak to the kids one day.  The reason why he was so expensive was because at the end of his speech, he would have one of the Phoenix Suns basketball players come out, as a surprise!  I told him, over and over again, to please not tell ANYONE about the surprise and how crucial it was to this motivational speakers performance that nobody know.  

Well, at the Faculty meeting, the morning of the assembly, he got on the microphone and told all of the faculty that he was super excited about the assembly he has planning (Which, by the way, I PLANNED IT) because one of the Suns players was going to come out at the end and surprise all the kids.   

As the kids were filing into the gym for the assembly, they were all talking about which Suns player they thought was going to be there!  

My internal monologue at the moment:  I'm glad I just spent $3000.00 of our school budget on a lame assembly that was ruined by YOU!   

I have more e-mails than you do!

Work Story # 2
He was talking to a teacher about e-mails, and the teacher was talking about how many e-mails she had in her inbox.  He quickly shot back, "I know how you feel.  I have 167 e-mails right now."  I thought that seemed really high, so I proxied over to his e-mail inbox, and he only had 61.  

My internal monologue at the moment:  Hmm, apparently the more e-mails you have, the more popular you are!  Who would have known!?  Hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself!

Attention all coaches... Come on in. Let's talk sports!

This is for those of you who know what I deal with at work.  In order to protect the person I am about to unveil, he will remain nameless.... :)  The things he says are worth telling!  He is my own personal Steve Carell... ENJOY!  

Work Story # 1
One of the teachers was sitting in his office, asking him questions about her class.  At the same time, there was a coach sitting in my office.  When he saw the coach, he cut off the teacher in his office, (mid-sentence) and said, "Hey coach!  Come on in" and started a conversation with him about the Arizona Cardinals.  The teacher looked over at me, with a facial expression stating "Are you kidding me right now?" 

My internal monologue at the moment:  Yeah, I know EXACTLY how you feel!

My very first blog...

So, It's official.  I've been talking about doing this for a long time, and since so many of you have asked me to create a blog, I'm doing it!